
LED Storefront Sign

This LED sign was built out for a local gym franchise. Initially intended to be a prototype, the sign was developed into a final product.

Running on a Raspberry Pi, the sign is capable of displaying any uploaded gif. Once loaded, the gif is resized to fit the 24x55 resolution of the LED matrix. Because the sign only has LEDs present where the logo can be seen, it calculates which portion of the gif is visible within the logo letters and sends only that information to the LEDs.



Several configurations and ideas were experimented and iterated upon before completing the sign. The video below shows one of the more interesting iterations in which the sign was programed to react to external noise and music. This implementation was based on an Arduino platform due to make use of it’s integrated analog-to=digital conversion ports. Ultimately, it was determined that a simpler visual would be better for the customer, but the concept may be worth revisiting in the future.